No vaccine of 100% effective, and according to a study from King’s College London you can still get COVID even if you are fully vaccinated, but the chances are the equivalent of one in 500 (0.2%) and one in 3,333 (0.03%), but your chances of getting infected after being vaccinated will depend on the prevalence of COVID-19 in your area.
Very few, but my policy will still be sticking to the established protocols. I am still open, unless the regulations and the risk changed, in which case I would have to close again.
To add an extra layer of security, on the day of a session, I will take a lateral rapid COVID test on the morning of a session, and I will share the result with you.
Lateral flow tests deliver a rapid result, in 30 minutes. They can find positive cases with high levels of virus that are easy to transmit to others, helping to intercept and reduce further infections.
I recommend you to do the same. You can get them for free if you order them here
In any case, what I truly encourage you to do is that you make sure you have got the vaccine, so that in the improbable case that you get infected, you would have milder Covid-19 illness than unvaccinated people.
Stay safe, play safe and enjoy your session.